
Jobboard - Scrutatio

This was my first project at Epitech in the Pre-MSc program. The goal of the project was to create a job board similar to Indeed. It was a team project with certain requirements such as an administrator page with CRUD capabilities for both job offers and users, the use of a database to store data, and the use of JavaScript technology for the front end. Additionally, we implemented bonus features such as a chat for customers and companies and a sidebar with a filter for job offers. We used React.js and MUI for the frontend, Laravel for the backend, and MySQL for the database.

Dashboard - Tasseboard

This was my second project at Epitech in the Pre-MSc program. The goal of the project was to create a dashboard, which is a control panel where you can access multiple services on a single platform. We were required to include at least 6 widgets and we chose to use 3 APIs: Pokemon, Weather, and Discord. This project was developed using Java for the backend, React.js for the frontend, and MongoDB for the database.


Les drôles de diables

This site was made in 48 hours by two people. We created a website for a fictitious bar. We came 4th in our internet and media promotion. We developed it in HTML, CSS, PHP and JS


This site was created during my first year of media and internet studies. The PROTECH website was created during my MMI training. We previously wrote the text on the theme of cybersecurity that the site should contain. We realized this site to highlight our text and make it attractive.



This site was created during my first year of media and internet studies. The CLAUVALLIS website is a fictitious website that was created during my MMI training. The goal was to get familiar with Boostrap and to develop web development skills.